Monday, March 7, 2011

DC Metro Use Graph - Data Commentary

The chart shows the use of DC Metro on an average day from 6 am to 22 pm. Initially, the number of people taking Metro in DC grows gradually from 6 am, and reaches the first peak at 8 am. Then, it declines during the period from 9am to 10am. Subsequently, this number grows slowly and plateaus from 12pm to 14pm. Afterward, the number of commuters falls quickly, reaching the lowest at 16pm. Next, the number starting from 16pm sharply rises reaching a peak again at 6pm. Later, it plunges rapidly during the period from 18pm to 20pm. Finally; this number bounces back at 21pm and comes back to the lowest at 22pm.
From the trend of DC Metro Use, the number of commuters spikes at two periods, during 7am to 9am and during 17pm to 19pm which represent the rush hours, and remains steady in the middle of the day, from 10 am to 14 pm. The peak points are 8am and 18pm, while the lowest points are 6am, 16pm, 20pm and 22pm. According to this analysis, people are encouraged to adjust their Metro arrangement from rush hour to the off-peak periods, 6am to 7am in the morning, 10am to 16pm during the day, 20pm to 22pm in the evening, in order to reduce the traffic load.

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